
Good is not Good Enough

I had such a busy day yesterday, I went and signed up for two technical schools here. Not because I need them for a job, but I want to be better at what I do. I have started offering my services for website building and I need graphics all the time. Most people would just pay a separate graphic designer, but I am going to take a course in web design. I am not saying I am going to turn this into a full-time career, but it is something that will take my websites from good to great and in turn keep my clients happy. What you do and how you do it is in direct correlation with how much business you get.

What I advise all of you to do is decide what you are going to do and always perfect it. Are you a music artist, well take a few voice lessons, even if you are a rapper. Why? Everything you can learn about your craft and take to the next level will help you stand out from others. This weekend starts my journey in the first technical course, which is to increase my knowledge of my native language, Portuguese. I want to be the best at everything I do, so if that means more school than I will do it. What do you have to do to take your business to the next level? Think about that and start your own personal journey to become a great success.

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